Saturday, October 29, 2011

Polish, makeup and clothes are not the only things I love:

Eva, my cat. Eva turned 3 this past May! Short back story: Eva is a male cat, when we got Eva, he was only a couple of weeks old, therefore, it was virtually impossible to see any distinguishable genitalia...we took a chance, assumed it was female (for whatever reason) and named the cat Eva. A couple of months later, we saw Eva licking his penis. That day was shocking and unexpected, but we love Eva just the same, and decided since he already responds to his name, not to change it. I love Eva more than anything!

I love the show American Horror Story. My favorite show currently is Breaking Bad, but since their season just wrapped up, i found myself craving a new show to get into. I found myself thoroughly entertained with AHS after the first episode. There are no redeemable characters (so far) and the show to me is quite a mindfuck. Every episode gets crazier and more ridiculous, which always has me wondering, how are they going to top this, how are they going to explain this?I know the show is suppose to be scary, but other than a few moments here and there, I just find it deliciously disturbing, which is quite alright with me!

Also developing an addiction to Yoplait Whips. They are light and fluffy, something about the texture makes it taste better than regular yogurt to me.

I've always been a nerd when it comes to computer games, I downloaded a PC game called Indigo Prophecy that came out in 2005. I downloaded it because I was told it was similar to a game on PS3( which i don't have) called Heavy Rain, which came out a year or two ago.
I've only played a little bit of Indigo Prophecy, but it's very cool so far, it's interactive, allows you to make choices that change scenario's in the future, and you can go back and forth between some of the character and be in control of their actions.

The only thing that sucks is it hard to get use to some of the controls...but other than that, it's a perfect way to pass the time, when i have nothing to do, or when my boyfriend is busy watching football.

Just thought I'd share some things that I have been enjoying lately!

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